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Take It On The Head

Published: Mon Apr 29, 2024

Living Water

by Kyle Sullivan, Mid Atlantic Coordinator

A surf video went viral recently following a solid winter swell that went up the east coast. The waves were pumping in New York that brought a barrel fest. Many of the local pros were making it look easy. The swell hit my beach in epic fashion (p.c. @delaneyaphotos), which was note worthy in itself, but what went viral was the body boarder who took a wave on the head. It wasn’t a wipeout clip but the capturing of a moment that should inspire not just a resurgence of surfing etiquette, but inspiration for all who want to live their life following Jesus. Rather than kick it hard to make it over the face in front of the surfer coming down the line, the body boarder saw the situation and changed direction toward the lip so as to not interfere with the surfer getting shacked. He took the heavy wave on the head, so someone else could score and be safe. 

In a similar way, this is what Jesus did. He took the weight of sin on Himself, took our punishment, so we could score the gift of freedom. That pro surfer set out to find out who that boogie was and bless him for his selfless act of kindness.

Our “reasonable service”(Romans 12:1-2) is to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Mark 10:45 says Jesus “did not come to be served but to serve and give His life a ransom for many.” Jesus encouraged the disciples that “the greatest among you shall be your servant” (Matthew 23:11). Paul makes it clear, as well, in Philippians 2:3 that we should not be selfish “but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” Lastly, Paul tells the church at Rome to “outdo one another in showing honor.” (Romans 12:10).

Another surfer may never give you a gift for letting them have the wave of the day, or even acknowledge your act of kindness of taking a wave on the head for another surfer to safely score. Yet we know that as followers of Jesus, we are to serve others in humility and bless others in Jesus’ name. Then we can take the opportunity to share the good news of how Jesus literally took it on the head for us when He hung on the cross. May the Lord help us shine in word and works, which will bring honor to Jesus’ life through our life.

Photographer: Delaney Pardue

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