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Mama Bear

Published: Mon Oct 9, 2023

Living Water

by Amy Nehrig, CSUS Staff Support

The morning was beautiful. It was 6:15am and I eagerly anticipated my son’s upcoming heat. Finally, we were surfing at our family’s home break and the waves were halfway decent. During the heat I was confused. Why wasn’t my son catching waves? Southside of the pier is like home. Why was he being so hesitant? I could feel myself getting anxious, something was off. As I saw him walking up the beach post heat, I knew something shady had gone down. While in the water, the opposing high school team circled my son screaming inappropriate things. When he tried to catch a wave, a kid pulled his leash so hard he fell backwards. 

I was a momma bear ready to pounce. The anger was boiling up inside of me and I was prepared to go to battle for my son. He looked at me and said “mom, it’s ok, I got this.” In my mind I was like “you better believe I got this! Where’s his mom? Let’s settle this now!” He then looked at me and said “trust me.”

A few days later we were at a regional contest where I knew we would see my newfound enemy. I had a game plan worked out in my head. I was going to make sure his mom knew what her son had done! As we walked across him and his family, I thought this is it, let’s go! Suddenly, my son walks up to him, they fist bump, and my kid gave him the surf report. What? This is our enemy, lines had been drawn. 

As we walked away I said “what was that?” He looked me in the eyes and said “I took care of it. I reached out to him and we are all good now. Love your enemies mom.”

Matthew 5:44-45 says “But I tell you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.”

God does not call us to only love and serve the lovable, but to love those that persecute us too. That is what sets us apart as Christians. Christ gave his life for those that despised him. Do you have an enemy that God is calling you to love today? Is there someone in your life that you are holding a grudge against and it’s time to let it go? God is calling us to love those challenging people. 


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