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Figuring It Out

Published: Mon Sep 4, 2023

Living Water

by Colbi King, CS Girls East Coast Coordinator

I saved for months and I finally bought a new fish. I was so excited! But it is so different from the precious fish I had been surfing for the past 7 months. When I took my new board out for the first time, I knew I liked it… but I just couldn’t get a good feel for it. I kept thinking “It doesn’t paddle like my old one… it doesn’t turn like my old one, it doesn’t feel like my old one.” I had to remind myself, IT’S NOT MY OLD ONE! This is a new board. With a new board comes new feelings… Some great, some not so great. 

We’ve all been through the process of “Figuring out” a new board. The same goes for our relationship with Christ. Sometimes he takes us out of one season and places us in another and we have to “Figure it out”. The GOOD thing is we don’t have to figure it out alone.

Just like when we get a new board, we spend more and more time in the water trying to get comfortable with it. We’re called to do the same thing with our Heavenly Father. Have fun getting to know the Father and learning about the season you’re in. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. 

James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you.” Declares the Lord.”

Image by: Leason Dancaescu

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