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Dry Bones

Published: Tue Dec 5, 2023

Living Water

by Gracie Stack, CSUS Communications Manager

Have you ever paddled out and watched someone who absolutely rips in the water, but out of the water, their lives are a mess and empty? Their lives are dry, everything they are pouring into, leaves them drier than ever before. Always chasing the next big thing but never satisfied. Surfers as a whole, tend to be obsessed with the ocean and this never ending feeling of needing another wave to be happy, just to keep the “Stoke” alive. Without Jesus, our lives are like dry bones. Just pouring salt water on ourselves but only coming out drier than before.

In Ezekiel chapter 37, he is a prophet of God to the Israelites when they were captives of the Babylonians. The Israelites felt as though their lives had been stripped apart with no meaning or purpose. God gave Ezekiel a vision of dry bones, where God tells Ezekiel to prophesy over them. God puts new flesh back on the bones and breaths new life into them. This vision was a symbol of what God planned to do; restore Israel. In the book of Nehemiah, God pulled them out of captivity, rebuilt the city and restored His covenant with His chosen people.

These dry bones, are also a symbol of all people. God sent His only Son, Jesus to restore our lives, that have been stripped and dried in sin. Jesus came to breath new life into us. He is the Living Water that quenches our thirst for a life of meaning and purpose.

Next time you paddle out, think on how you can be an Ezekiel in another surfers life. Speaking new life and hope into their lives, with the hope of Jesus.

Maybe, your bones are dry, never having a relationship with Jesus or you have fallen away. The Bible says in John 10:10 “I have come that they might have life and have it to the full”. Let Jesus fill your life and breath new eternal life into your dry bones.

Image: Joshua Kettle

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