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Be Still

Published: Tue Jan 10, 2023

Living Water

by Solveig Jobbins CS Carlsbad

Envision yourself in the lineup. You sit there on your board waiting for the next best wave but while you’re sitting you’re also figuring out where the best place to position yourself is. You’re picking up on what the wind, waves, tide, crowd and so many other things are doing. 

If you’re anything like me, you also struggle to be still. I often feel like I’m wasting time if I’m not doing something. The Lord is always growing me in my understanding of stillness and reminding me of its importance. I even have “Be Still” tattooed on my arm… I need the reminder that often! I want to encourage us to be still as I again am reminded of the beauty and power of stillness. 

Psalm 46:10 says: “Be still, and know that I am God.” In our stillness there’s the AND. The “and” is intentionality in the waiting. It’s an action of knowing what’s to come. Just as we sit on our boards waiting for our next wave, we know what’s to come. We expect another wave and have an idea of what it’s going to do. In all things in life we need to train ourselves up in a similar intentional stillness that waits on God and knows the hope of what’s to come. We know that God has promised us eternal life. We know God is in control. We learn in our stillness to lean on Him and let Jesus show us where to go and how to approach and handle all that life might throw our way. 

 Image by Solveig Jobbins

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