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A Slice Of Heaven

Published: Mon Dec 11, 2023

Living Water

by Amy Nehrig, CSUS Staff

Last weekend, 150 of us from Southern California headed down to Baja for the West Coast Cold Water Camp Out. The weekend was absolutely perfect and everyone was amping to be there. There were frothing groms (and adults) spending 6+ hours in the water each day, good food was flowing, bonfire chats were happening, and everywhere you looked people were connecting. Even when people were washing dishes, the vibe was so positive. As the sun set on the 3rd night I looked out on the ocean and thought to myself, this is a little slice of Heaven. The goodness around me was overwhelming. The peace over the camp felt supernatural and surreal. Spending 72 hours with a group of people loving each other and encouraging one other felt exactly how God intended us to do life. So why can’t everyday life be like this? Why does it take going to the middle of the desert with no WiFi or cell reception to find this peace? As we pulled into our driveway after the camp out and all the craziness of the clean up started, my heart yearned to be back down south.

But was it Baja I was craving or the community we had down there? God created us to be in connection and community with one another. Hebrew 10:24-25 says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Our souls long to have deep, meaningful relationships and our weekend of putting down our phones and being present with each other showed the joy that comes from meeting together. Even with the busyness of life, it is vital that we do not give up spending time with one another, spurring each other on, and supporting our community. Have you been isolating yourself behind a screen, work, or busyness? Or are you seeking true and meaningful community? How can you live out Hebrews 10:24-25 this week?

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