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GROMS: Nicaragua 2024 Surf & Share

Published: Sun Oct 1, 2023

Category: Past Trips

Trip/Event Date:
Mon Apr 1, 2024 - Sun Apr 7, 2024

It was mid 2023 when my son, Tripp Nehrig, felt God put it on his heart to take a bunch of groms 13-17 year old young men on a surf and serve. So the adventure began. We prayed, planned, and had meeting after meeting. We promoted, invited, and shared the vision. We ended up having 16 groms from all over the US, 1 grom from Mexico, and also 1 grom from El Salvador join us. 

We got to partner with the local organizations, Ride Nature in San Juan Del Sur Nicaragua, and also The Way Church in Popoyo. God bonded us together and we all grew closer to God as we studied his word. While there, we all studied the life of Nehemiah and shared our testimonies with each other. When we weren’t working, we were blessed to surf six different spots and scored 2-3 foot offshore and really fun waves every day. We got to serve and help bless the community by putting in the coolest pump track you have ever seen at a local youth center. Another day we visited a skate park and hosted an outreach bonfire on the beach where we got to pray and share God’s love with the people on the beach. We attended two local church services and joined in worship with the two different locations we visited. After indulging in some of the best baked bread we have ever had, we worked until midnight wheel barreling hot asphalt to complete the pump track. At the end of the trip, we flew home with our hearts connected, our bodies exhausted, and already planning how we will get to do it again some time in the near future. Thanks to Tripp Nehrig for planning it all, we are all truly blessed by your hard work. 

-David Nehrig

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