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Verity Gilmour

Discipleship House Director

Staff member

Growing up in Western Australia, now living in San Diego, V (aka Verity) had her life turned upside down by Jesus during first year college. Whilst there she also met Nic, her hubby of almost 3 decades. Together they’ve travelled the world, served as pastors and in Christian Surfers in various ways, run a couple of open-homes, started a Bible-college, and seen a dozen or so CS chapters planted. The thing they most praise God for are their three amazing teenage kiddos, and together they’re part of the local CS crew in Oceanside. V has been dragged by God into more uncomfortable places than she cares to remember, likes leading in ways where no-one will notice, enjoys making music (by herself & with others), reads widely, loves deeply, and thinks Nic should give kale a chance. She is still, after all these years, amazed at God’s kindness. Most recently, because they’re stoked on seeing the Spirit work in and through missional community (and also because they’re just a bit bonkers), in the upper story of their home V & Nic built and now help oversee the ‘Launchpad’ – a CS discipleship house, dedicated to growing servant leaders for the local church and global CS community


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